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Can I Replace Existing Restorations with Dental Implants?

July 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 6:32 pm

Digital model of an implant-supported bridgeTeeth are supposed to last for a lifetime, but 120 million Americans have lost at least one tooth. Traditionally, a fixed bridge is used to treat one or more lost teeth in a row. Although bridges have been used for decades, there’s another solution to treat tooth loss. Dental implants are the most successful method of replacing lost teeth, but is it too late to get them if you already have a bridge? No! You can replace your old restoration using the next best thing to your real teeth.

Dental Implants VS Traditional Bridges

A fixed bridge replaces the portion of lost teeth above the gum line. Prosthetic teeth are created from an impression of your mouth using all-ceramic material. The bridge is held in place by bonding crowns to the adjacent teeth. 

A dental implant differs because it replaces the entire structure of a tooth, including the root. A titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as a new root. Your bone will fuse with it through a process called osseointegration, allowing it to stay in place forever. It will provide unmatched support and stability for your prosthetic tooth, which is attached using an abutment. 

If you’re missing more than one tooth in a row, 1-2 dental implants can be used to anchor your bridge in place instead of using crowns.

Candidate for Dental Implants

Previous restorations won’t prevent you from getting dental implants. Most patients with good oral and general health are candidates. Your implant dentist will examine your mouth and review diagnostic images to have a complete picture of your oral health. They’ll create a personalized treatment plan to replace your restorations with the most successful solution for tooth loss.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are the only method of treating both the roots and crowns of lost teeth. As a result, they provide unmatched benefits, including:

  • Look and Feel Natural: The implant post is hidden below your gum tissue, just like a root. Your restoration will be made of all-ceramic material and match the color, size, and shape of your real teeth to blend in.
  • Preserve Your Jawbone: A dental implant stimulates your jaw to prevent bone loss caused by missing teeth. You’ll look younger and preserve your facial structure by keeping your jawbone strong.
  • Improve Oral Health: A healthy jaw and a complete smile prevent issues caused by missing teeth.
  • High Success Rate: Dental implants have over a 95% success rate.
  • Long-Lifespan: A dental implant is proven to last for 30 years or longer with the right care, like brushing and flossing.

It’s never too late to invest in dental implants. Your dentist can turn back the clock and complete your smile using a solution that looks and feels real.

About Dr. Joe Kern

Dr. Kern earned his dental degree at The Ohio State University and has regularly continued his education to provide up-to-date services. He has over 22 years of experience creating healthy, beautiful smiles. Request an appointment through his website or call (701) 352-6881.

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