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5 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 1:17 am
family enjoying a healthy Thanksgiving meal

For many people, Thanksgiving is the best time of year. Cooking and eating seasonal delicacies is both tasty and a great way to bond with your loved ones. It also symbolizes the start of the holiday season and finding it difficult to stick to your diet with sweet temptations around every corner. Many of the foods and drinks associated with Thanksgiving are known for being unhealthy and are unlikely to have the best impact on your smile. So you can have a healthy Thanksgiving this year, read on for some helpful tips.


4 Oral Hygiene Tips for a Healthier Smile

October 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 9:54 pm
dentist and patient talking about oral hygiene tips

October is famous for Halloween night, but it’s also National Dental Hygiene Month! During this month, celebrate with pride by showing how much you care for your smile and continued excellent oral hygiene or taking steps to achieve a healthier beam. You may be wondering: how exactly can you do this? Read on to learn about 4 oral hygiene tips that will help you celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month by taking good care of your pearly whites.


Art and Science of Color Matching Crowns

September 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 12:34 am

Shade guide for dental crownsIt can be almost impossible for anyone except a dentist to detect a crown from a natural tooth. Modern restorations are made of all-ceramic material, which allows your dentist to customize them to the color, size, and shape of your real teeth to blend in seamlessly. This involves combining art with science to color-match a dental crown. Here’s how your dentist will determine the perfect color, so no one will know it isn’t part of your natural smile. 


Causes of Bad Breath & What to Do About It

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 12:09 am
image of foods that can cause bad breath

August 6th is National Fresh Breath Day! This is a great time to celebrate having fresh breath and practicing ways to keep it that way. Knowing what can cause bad breath is beneficial in the pursuit. Read on to learn about a few things that can lead to bad breath as well as what you can do to prevent it from happening in the first place.


3 Cosmetic Procedures for a Summer-Ready Smile

July 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 6:38 pm

Woman with an attractive smile at the beachSummer is here, which means plenty of time outdoors soaking up the sun or traveling for a weekend getaway. Whether you’ll be spending time with family or taking your dream vacation, don’t let anxieties about your smile hold you back from looking and feeling your best. Despite common misconceptions, you don’t have to be rich or famous to benefit from cosmetic dentistry. There are options to fit everyone’s budget. Here are 3 affordable cosmetic procedures to give you a stunning smile for the summer.


3 Reasons Dental Implants Make You Seem Younger

June 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 10:27 am
Close-up of dental implant model compared to patient’s natural smile

If you’re considering dental implants, you may be focused on things like smile restoration or improved meals and conversations. After all, those represent the treatment’s most practical, tangible benefits. However, did you know implants reverse aged appearances too? It’s true — once they fill the gaps in your mouth, these replacement teeth can make you seem quite younger!

To help you learn more, here’s a summary of three ways dental implants bring back youthful looks.


Are Dental Implants Safe During Pregnancy?

May 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 1:31 am

Pregnant woman with hands on bellyEvery tooth is essential to a healthy, beautiful, functional smile. Losing even one can affect your self-esteem and dental health. Thankfully, your dentist can replace your lost tooth using the next best thing to what nature gave you. A dental implant is the only solution to replicate both the root and crown. Although most people with good oral and general health are candidates, they may not be the best option for expectant mothers. If you want to complete your smile before your bundle of joy arrives, here’s what you need to know about getting dental implants during pregnancy.


Gum Disease Therapy Before Dental Work

March 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drkern @ 1:54 am

Laser gum disease therapyIf you’re embarrassed by stained, chipped, or gapped teeth, your cosmetic dentist can give you a stunning smile you’ll want to show off. However, not everyone is a candidate for elective procedures. If you have underlying dental problems, they will have to be treated first. While you might be focused on your aesthetic flaws, your dentist’s main concern is your gum health because it is the foundation of a beautiful smile. Although you may not have expected additional treatments, here’s why you’ll want to take your dentist’s advice if they recommend gum disease therapy. 


5 Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Look Younger

January 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drkern @ 1:11 am

Middle-aged woman smiling after cosmetic dentistryYou expect to see a few gray hairs and wrinkles as the years pass, but you may not have expected your teeth to make you look older. Stained, worn, or missing teeth can add years to your appearance. While you can’t stop gray hair from growing, you can turn back the clock with cosmetic dentistry. Here are 5 procedures that can revamp your smile to look years younger.


5 Traits of a Good Dental Implant Candidate

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkern @ 2:24 pm
dentist speaking with dental implant candidate in Grafton

Dental implants are the most advanced tooth replacement option available today, but they aren’t for everyone. You may be wondering, what exactly does it take to be a good candidate for dental implants? To help you understand if dental implants in Grafton may be the right option for you, here are five important qualities that a good dental implant candidate should have.

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